Not Sponsored Sustainable Surf Wear Clothing and Accessories Brand Australia's Sustainable Surf Brand - Organic Fabrics and Performance Repurposed Materials for Sustainable Surf Wear and Eco Clothing

Australia's Sustainable Surf and Lifestyle Brand-Eco Clothing and accessories designed for our environment and better performance!

Micro Plastics Filer Bag

  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag
  • Micro Plastics Filer Bag

Our Micro Plastics Filter Laundry Bag - Does exactly what it says, it helps filter out microplastics that may shed from any synthetic garments during a wash cycle...

YOU CAN HELP REDUCE the amount of micro plastics that are ending up in our oceans. Just by using one of our bags for any clothing that contains any artificial fibre, thats things like polyester, nylon, synthetics etc. Plus it's also great to just protect your clothes in general and help the longevity of the fabric as it limits the abrasion from being in a washing machine. Great for your "delicates" like bras and undies (girls your delicates too ha ha) and our bamboo gear loves being washed in th bag too.

We recommend using the bags to wash all our gear in... Aside from the fact your helping stop any potential extra fibres (of any fabric) from ending up in our oceans, your actually helping your gear last even longer by protecting it in the wash. Makes sense to help yourself and the environment at the same time.

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Good size for a few pairs of shorts.


WHAT GARMENTS SHED MICROPLASTICS? A lot! garments like your typical gym shirts and shorts often have polyester,nylons etc. a lot of activewear and ladies tights and undergarments, towels, plus shirts/tops that are "blends" these may even be cotton blends and the fabric often these are blended with is polyester, you can check lables to see what's synthetc.

HOW DO I USE THE BAG? Simply put your clothes in it - Do Not fill it up, just fill half to 3/4 of the bag so they can move inside to assist in "washing" Zip it shut and tuck the zip under the flap so it stays closed in the wash. After the cycle is finished just take out your gear and dry it. If you see any "lint looking fluffs" these are fibres that were shed from whatever clothing was in the bag. If they were microfiber fabrics then they are little strands of microplastic you've just saved them from ending up in the ocean so you can feel proud you're helping!

HOW DO I CLEAN THE BAG? To clear the bag just slide your finger along the edges and then put them in your rubbish. We know, we know... It's still going into rubbish, but the big thing is they are not going back into our waterways through our grey water. This helps reduce the amount of microplastic going directly into our ocean.

WHAT IS THE BAG MADE OF? It's made of polymide monofiliments which wont shed in your machine, so the bag itself won't contribute to any microplastics going into waterways.

Australian Sustainable Surf Brand Not Sponsored Eco Friendly surf and gym wear Bamboo clothing Sunshine Coast Surf Shop with quick dry sand free beach and gym towels.


Micro Plastics Filter Bag


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